Friday 24th January 2025

Exactly what the title implies...pop in and say "good morning" or even "good evening" and tell us what's on the cards for today or how your day went.

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Friday 24th January 2025

Post by Messy »

A bit breezy down here in London, but I know you folks in Scotland and NI are about to experience a huge storm. Please take care

. I was working the night of the 1987 'hurricane ' hit SE England with 130mph winds and will never forget the carnage and amount of near misses we had. That storm peaked overnight with few people out and about compared to today

I have a quick job in Oxford and am in a combination sauna/coach right now to the location. It's ridiculously hot in here

Have a great day everyone- but stay safe 🙏
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Re: Friday 24th January 2025

Post by WillPool »

Morning Messy and all that follow :hello2:

Still very dark here (even for the time of day/year) and very very windy, (although still to peak yet) I too worked during the 87 storm (Military called in along M3/M4 area to help clear debris etc), worst I have witnessed in Scotland with a friends local weather station measuring 118 mph gusts near Mul of Galloway.

Sat here with a coffee :coffee2: watching the news and how the storm will pan out ../.

Stay safe and dont travel unless necessary (in the affected areas) ./thumbsup..

Will .salut
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Re: Friday 24th January 2025

Post by Alexis »

Good Morning Messy, Will and All. :wave:

I think the wind here is just winter gales so far.

Garden table and chairs (metal) now attached to the fence in a very undignified manner.

I also noticed a dead pigeon lying at the bottom of my garden, which I had to go and collect before the seagulls ate it.

What a numptie I am, as the dead bird was my owl garden ornament! :lol:

Wherever you all are in Northern Ireland and the UK, stay at home if you can. .salut
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