Pressure Vessel Testing

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Anorak Extraordinaire
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Pressure Vessel Testing

Post by stephen1974 »

Can someone who is familiar with testing and inspection give me a very brief run down of what pressure AND/OR Vacuum vessels need testing. I understand that there should be a schedule that outlines if a vessel needs testing or not and how often but lets assume this is no where to be found.

Are there vessels that, by default, dont need testing? ie low pressure and if so, what is that threshold? ive seen a good few tags saying no testing needed s under 2.5bar, but then ive seen a lot of untagged equipment.
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Re: Pressure Vessel Testing

Post by WillPool »

Not my specialist subject, but your insurer would be able to tell if you any specific items need tested.

HSE has info here on the subject:

Hope that helps ./thumbsup..

Will .salut
It is better to be careful 100 times than to get killed once.
Mark Twain (1835 - 1910)
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