Saturday 9 November 2024

Exactly what the title implies...pop in and say "good morning" or even "good evening" and tell us what's on the cards for today or how your day went.

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Saturday 9 November 2024

Post by Alexis »

Good Morning Everyone. :wave:

Easy Saturday morning just shuffling about doing stuff here and there and watching bits of rubbish things on TV whilst doing so. :lol:
Perhaps it's Sunday? .scratch :lol:

Did not sleep well at all last night for why I know not! :dontknow:

I decided to get up around 1am-ish for a wee drink of something warm and put the tele on just for something to look at. Lo and behold my favourite film of all time was on....airplane. :lol: It still causes loud uncontrollable laughter even though I practically know every Actors' lines. :lol:

I shall continue my lazy Saturday doing what I want, when I want and probably be bored by lunchtime. :lol: :lol:

Whatever you have chosen to do today, take it easy and enjoy. .cheers

Messy - Hope you have managed to finish your tiling and you too can have a lazy Saturday. ;)
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