Emergency Lighting Testing/Servicing Issue

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Emergency Lighting Testing/Servicing Issue

Post by WICN1981 »

Hi all,

Happy friday!! TGIF!!!!

I have an issue with the emergency lighting.

So a provider who services our extinguishers and does our fire risk assessment has said they cannot test the emergency lighting.

1) because it is an old Abtec system that requires specialised software that they do not have

2) It would mean out of hours as they would have to shut down the whole premises to test it - which is perfectly fair

This lighting system hasnt been tested in years if ever! The last attempt was in 2021 and it wasnt tested then for the same reasons!

Looking on the internets
“ For the annual test, the requirements for emergency lighting are to test for a duration of three hours. When doing so, the primary lighting circuit must be switched off and emergency lights left on for three hours in line with BS 5266”

So my questions are

How do I get this tested? because this provider is saying it will be a hunt around to find someone who has the software to do it!

The only other option is to get a brand new emergency lighting installation but that sounds unbelievably expensive!!

As usual, I come to the wisest place I know for guidance.

Thanking you massively in advance!
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Re: Emergency Lighting Testing/Servicing Issue

Post by Waterbaby »

Bump ./thumbsup..

#DrowningPrevention, #RespectTheWater
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Re: Emergency Lighting Testing/Servicing Issue

Post by Messy »

Many apologies I have just seen this, not as if I can be much use to be honest

Whilst I am an experienced fire safety professional, I am not competent in electrical and IT technical matters like this. Rewiring a plug or fitting a light bulb Is my limit ;)

Can I suggest you consult the following two forums:

Fire alarm engineers Forum - as the name suggests, there's a number of useful competent experts here

Or Safelincs. Its a Forum attached to a company who supply firefighting kit. There are a handful of very good competent all rounders there

Could you please come back on here after - especially if you find an answer - and share your results with us

Good luck
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Re: Emergency Lighting Testing/Servicing Issue

Post by WICN1981 »

Huge apologies for the lateness in reply!

After speaking to the third party contractor who undertakes out floor renovations, it turns out they changed the lighting last year during a partial refurb.

Nobody informed me of this when I was asking around about the testing and the reasons given for not testing.

So the test has been scheduled in.

Thanks ever so much for your advice though and for sharing the forum links that Ive saved as they are very handy!

Thanks as always!!
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Re: Emergency Lighting Testing/Servicing Issue

Post by Messy »

WICN1981 wrote: Tue Dec 10, 2024 9:39 am Huge apologies for the lateness in reply!

After speaking to the third party contractor who undertakes out floor renovations, it turns out they changed the lighting last year during a partial refurb.

Nobody informed me of this when I was asking around about the testing and the reasons given for not testing.

So the test has been scheduled in.

Thanks ever so much for your advice though and for sharing the forum links that Ive saved as they are very handy!

Thanks as always!!

Chaos as usual during business - I recognise that model :lol: :lol:

I am glad you got it resolved and thanks for the feedback clapclap
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