Lifting Points

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Maltman Dan
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Lifting Points

Post by Maltman Dan »

Hi All

I have some concerns around lifting points and hopefully someone can provide some advice.

The site I manage is a manufacturing plant with multiple processing plants across a 15 acre site that is a mix of buildings of multiple levels and dating from 1850 to current day. The challenge we have is the lifting of tools and smaller equipment such as engineers rucksacks and small items such as bearings etc up to 1st/2nd levels and beyond. At present these are attached to a rope and pulled up on the outside of the building, rope attached to a handrail. The ropes are all load rated and we are well within the capacity but the concern is the manual handling aspect and if a load was to fall the impact this could have.

For larger items such as motors and gearboxes etc these would be craned into position but for small remedials and ppm work this is not feasible.

Any ideas on how this could be down safer and what equipment would be needed.

Anorak Extraordinaire
Anorak Extraordinaire
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Re: Lifting Points

Post by stephen1974 »

A small electric winch ? They dont cost much and can easily lift what you are talking about.
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