Pulling my hair out!

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Pulling my hair out!

Post by Blackstone »

Ok so i'm pulling my hair out (or would be if i had any!!) with this one!!

We have 4 areas on site that have potential to exceed 80dBA. Not on a regular basis but often enough to think about it.

We've given all operators in the areas training of effects of excessive noise on hearing and they have selected appropriate PPE but want to put some sort of display in the areas to indicate to the operators when the noise gets to potential damaging level so they know to wear hearing protection.

I'm really struggling to find a noise display that is suitable!

Any suggestions would be greatly received!

PS, Engineering and Admin controls already considered and acted upon :)

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Re: Pulling my hair out!

Post by Penfold »

Hi Blackstone:

Is this the sort of thing you are looking for?

https://www.castlegroup.co.uk/products/ ... protection.

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Re: Pulling my hair out!

Post by Blackstone »

Hi Penfold,

Not seen that one!

Something like that but maybe a little less budget busting :)

I've seen these type but none of these fully meet what we are looking for:

https://www.amazon.co.uk/30-130db-Displ ... 4898&psc=1
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Re: Pulling my hair out!

Post by grim72 »

I've seen these before: https://www.thesigndepot.co.uk/The-Sign ... se%20activ which seem pretty good in theory but never used them personally..
https://www.goodtogosafety.co.uk/ - Providing you with a safer workplace

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Re: Pulling my hair out!

Post by Maltman Dan »

The approach so far seems a little woolly to me, no offence. Providing some training on the defects of noise and allowing staff to select appropriate PPE to me suggests that the risks and controls haven’t been reviewed and identified correctly. What are the exposure levels, do they actually exceed 80db, what is the number of employees in the areas, what PPE is in use, is it appropriate, remember PPE only protects the person wearing it are there visitors or contractors, members of the public that may also be exposed. I would carry out a full risk assessment and potentillas look at more captive control measure or enforce the wearing of approved ppe
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Re: Pulling my hair out!

Post by Blackstone »

Maltman Dan wrote: Fri Apr 19, 2024 10:25 pm The approach so far seems a little woolly to me, no offence. Providing some training on the defects of noise and allowing staff to select appropriate PPE to me suggests that the risks and controls haven’t been reviewed and identified correctly. What are the exposure levels, do they actually exceed 80db, what is the number of employees in the areas, what PPE is in use, is it appropriate, remember PPE only protects the person wearing it are there visitors or contractors, members of the public that may also be exposed. I would carry out a full risk assessment and potentillas look at more captive control measure or enforce the wearing of approved ppe
Thanks for the post Maltman.

As i stated in the original post, Engineering and Admin controls have already been considered and acted upon where possible.
The training is part of an overall approach to noise management.

The site is not particularly noisy. The areas in question only occasionally breach 80dBA.
Given the infrequent periods of excessive noise we want to give employees visual cues that tell them when it is too loud.

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Re: Pulling my hair out!

Post by Blackstone »

grim72 wrote: Fri Apr 19, 2024 3:37 pm I've seen these before: https://www.thesigndepot.co.uk/The-Sign ... se%20activ which seem pretty good in theory but never used them personally..
I'd love to get these.
Had not seen them on my search.

Unfortunately the budget doesn't stretch to £800 each! :shock:
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Re: Pulling my hair out!

Post by Blackstone »

Does anyone have any experience with these sorts of devices?

https://www.fruugo.co.uk/smart-sensor-a ... gKAvvD_BwE

Not sure i'm too keen on these type...
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Re: Pulling my hair out!

Post by grim72 »

Out of interest, how many people are working in the area? You can also get personal wearable alerts that vibrate/notify wearers when the 80DbA is exceeded but appreciate you have limited budget so would depend how many workers you have as to whether it would be a viable option.

See the options below that I found
https://www.castleshop.co.uk/ga907-pers ... ga907.html
https://www.pambry-instruments.com/pers ... el-alerts/

Also found a more affordable version of the sign I posted earlier: https://www.noisemeters.co.uk/product/n ... n/ns-warn/
https://www.goodtogosafety.co.uk/ - Providing you with a safer workplace

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