Work Not Taking H&S Seriously Even After Accident

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Work Not Taking H&S Seriously Even After Accident

Post by WICN1981 »

Ao ive been trying to get in to H&S at my work place, simply because nobody else will. Its an office corporate place deemed low risk. The problem is, its not low risk. The machine I used in the print room I worked in blew up in my face last year! This was after repeated complaints that it needed to be replaced because it was so old and knackered. Even the engineers who come out to fix it kept saying eventually they wont fix it its too knackered. Anyway I was using it and it made a loud bang and fire come out of all sides and front, shook me up and singed my hand.

Since then Ive been trying to get them to take H&S seriously, even offering to get trained up to help. I did just an IOSH managing safely course. Ive offered to do DSE assessments but even the basics they havent done we havent even got a H&S policy.

Ive asked can we have a sit down, Ive made a list of what we need to do and Im willing to put the work in alongside my current role but long term mainly because i dont want to work in the print room anymore after accident, but also that I really dont want another example to take place where something else goes wrong or someone else gets hurt because of shoulder shrugs and “low risk” mindsets.

If I can get any advice of how I should do this then that would be great as at the moment they just dont want to know and have given me DSE Assessments, which werent being done to basically shut me up!

Im at my wits end bros!
Anorak Extraordinaire
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Re: Work Not Taking H&S Seriously Even After Accident

Post by stephen1974 »

Hmm, its certainly hard to get companies to change when they dont want to listen. I've had the same as a consultant where I go back to clients time and time again and nothing improves> In our case we wouldnt threaten to drop them as clients and would drop them as clients if they didnt make changes.

The first step I would say is bring up the lack of a Health and Safety Policy. Section 2 (3) of the Health and Safety at Work Act and The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations (MHSWR) Section 5 cover this. Also look at whats in place. Do they have the right assessments, ssow's, records etc in place.

Writing a policy may be beyond you as you are just starting out but for your own interest you could down load a general policy template and give amending it a go> Its a fun excersise if you are interested in H&S and it may highlight more areas of concern.

I would recomend your company looks for a consultant to employ. If you are low risk site and only require the odd visit it shouldnt be too expensive.

Beyond that, if you intend to raise concerns, do so in writing and always keep a copy (abd their responses) for yourself. a secondary e-mail account along the lines of is useful.

Look for small wins. You have the DSE assessments. What else might you be able to do? (Are notice boards properly popuated with H&S related stuff? first aiders lists, HASAW poster etc) Little success will result in them more likely to listen to you on larger issues, where as attacking big issues can earn get you seen as a trouble maker.
Maltman Dan
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Re: Work Not Taking H&S Seriously Even After Accident

Post by Maltman Dan »

My advice would be to leave. This company clearly has no regards for employee safety. A HSE policy and DSE assessments are not going to change anything. There are significant culture issues that will drain you of your desire and ambition in this field. Seek out a company that fully embraces employee safety and wellbeing were problems are seen as opportunities to improve and pass it on better.

Get out and don’t look back - good luck
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