Step ladders - do they need to be footed ?

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Step ladders - do they need to be footed ?

Post by TWDB »

Hi guys,

I have asked a contractor to foot their step ladders whilst working in our busy office environment. (7ft tall step ladder in use )

do people insist on set ladders being footed?

inspection only and not working from the step ladder-

any inputs appreciated.


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Re: Step ladders - do they need to be footed ?

Post by Alexis »

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Re: Step ladders - do they need to be footed ?

Post by Penfold »


The first question should be is the step ladder the correct piece of access equipment for this task?

if yes what are you achieving by footing the step ladder e.g. if its to prevent someone walking into the ladder and knocking it over would a barrier be a better option to stop people getting close?

The HSE and ladder association have good information on ladder safety but doesn't mention footing a stepladder: ... access.htm ... -guide.pdf

As you can see for access ladder footing is last resort.

You also have to consider why are you advising a contractor on how to work safely, just be careful your not taking on more liability that you should be, maybe ask them how are they managing the risk rather than stating how they should be doing it

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Re: Step ladders - do they need to be footed ?

Post by witsd »

Yeah, my first thought was 'what does it say in their RAMS?'

If they are ignoring their RAMS, then refer it back to their manager. I certainly wouldn't start training their staff to do things correctly.
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Re: Step ladders - do they need to be footed ?

Post by Juan Carlos »

footing a step ladder... I don't think I would insist on that to be honest. I would ask that they are used correctly but not footing it.
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Re: Step ladders - do they need to be footed ?

Post by TWDB »

Juan Carlos wrote: Thu Sep 21, 2023 9:39 am footing a step ladder... I don't think I would insist on that to be honest. I would ask that they are used correctly but not footing it.
But don't stand over 3 levels from top.
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Re: Step ladders - do they need to be footed ?

Post by grim72 »

In fairness - the Ladder Association Guidance Document LA455 Safe Use of Ladders and Stepladders states that Footing is the last resort when it comes to securing ladders. You can download a copy at ... -guide.pdf for reference.
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