
Lunch and Learn Topic Ideas

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Lunch and Learn Topic Ideas

Post by 95HSE92 »

I'm wanting to do some lunch and learns for both UK and US offices, does anyone have any topic suggestions for good and useful topics?

Thank you .cheers
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Re: Lunch and Learn Topic Ideas

Post by Waterbaby »

Bump ./thumbsup..

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Re: Lunch and Learn Topic Ideas

Post by safetygal »

There are loads of toolbox talks to get you started in the downloads ... ty-Culture
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Re: Lunch and Learn Topic Ideas

Post by wendolene26 »

Whilst there are plenty of resources to help you generate topics for these sessions, my suggestion would be to try and focus on what is relevant to the audience for these sessions. Whilst it is always good to share new or interesting information with people, if it has a link to their day to day work and they can see the relevance of it, they are more likely to be engaged in the session.

As an example...If there have been a build up of near misses or "small" incidents, focus on the relationship of how lots of seemingly small incidents, if going unchecked can result in something much larger and potentially catastrophic. If there is a trend of incidents/near misses in your UK office but not replicated in your US office, find out what are the US office doing differently (or vice versa)...

Other good general campaigns are things like: eye safety; winter driving (relevant to both domestic and business); working at height (DIY in the home); Electrical Safety.

Just a few to get you started.

Hope this helps.
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Re: Lunch and Learn Topic Ideas

Post by stephen1974 »

Accident Investigations. They're are interesting and can highlight every aspect of Health and Safety from cause to consequence. If you have one where management decisions were made that contributed to the accident so much the better.

You can even do interactive parts, getting them to discuss various stages - this is the scene, what do you think happened, this is what happened, why do you think it happened, there was a prosecution and the company pleeded guilty, what do you think the punishment was?

That kind of thing stays with people.
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Re: Lunch and Learn Topic Ideas

Post by Blackstone »

Maybe something in the 3M Safe Tea Break pack that might be of use? ... ty-centre/
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