
Welfare facilities and social distancing measures

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Welfare facilities and social distancing measures

Post by jennielouises »

In our office block they have decided that the toilets are limited to those on that floor and only one person can be in the room at a time. There are 100 people on each floor, 3 ladies toilets, and 2 cublices and 2 urinals in the mens. 

Obviously the landlord has a legal duty to provide adequate easy access to the toilets. The social distancing guidance on the HSE site says, 'Refusing access for any reason, including as an infection control measure, is against the law.' But it also has guidance saying, 'To protect people when using existing toilet and washing facilities consider the following:... 'Put in place systems such as 'one in, one out' if it isn't possible to maintain social distancing.' 

The space between the cubicles and the sink is less than a metre so it isn't possible to maintain social distancing. Our other building has just marked the middle cucbile out of use but that wouldn't solve the issue here. 

To me, that sounds like they are able to do this but my colleague as this is just guidance, and the legal duty comes from the regulation for welfare at work, that this solution is dangerous, unacceptable as the numbers aren't sufficient. So I wanted to turn to others to see what their interpretation is? If my colleague is correct then I will challenge our landlords
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Re: Welfare facilities and social distancing measures

Post by Messy »

Surely taking a middle cubicle out in a bank of three is excessive isnt it?

Our total covid capacity takes into account toilets and tea points and not just desk space. As a result, we are running at just a little more than 30% capacity, with the rest working from home on a rota
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Re: Welfare facilities and social distancing measures

Post by stephen1974 »

Just ridiculous.

I assume you are wearing masks and washing you hands - so whats the problem? if you are wearing a mask you dont need to social distance.
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