Sunday - 26 January 2025

Exactly what the title implies...pop in and say "good morning" or even "good evening" and tell us what's on the cards for today or how your day went.

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Sunday - 26 January 2025

Post by WillPool »

Morning All :hello2:

Cold and grey out there with more winds expected soon :shock:

Off to collect the wife from the grandkids this morning, then a seaside drive and check on holiday homes with a nice lunch thrown in somewhere along the way ../.

Have a great Sunday ./thumbsup..

Will .salut
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Re: Sunday - 26 January 2025

Post by Messy »

Sounds like the perfect day Willpool clapclap

Was a beautiful sunrise in London with blue skies. But that familiar grey sky blanket is slowly edging over

On my way to an overnight contingency planning exercise. They are always long days, with managers put under exteemr pressure to make difficult decisions in a safe and supportive environment- and then justify them later.

Then pizza or similar and beer, and an early start for me to write a summary report by 10.00 tomorrow for a debrief . To be honest I will write it late tonight and check it first thing so I can sleep better

I do one or two of these a month despite being 'retired' and really enjoy them

Have a good day all and I hope the weather behaves for you lot up north
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Re: Sunday - 26 January 2025

Post by Alexis »

Good Morning to you Gents and all our Folks. :wave:

Nothing as exciting as you two for me today.

I need a strong man with an industrial drill to re-attach one of my fence slats. I have tried unsuccessfully. :roll:

We had a power cut last evening. Thank goodness for mobile phone lights! So pitch black and creepy with the street lights being affected also, but not to worry, advice texts from my super chilled family telling me to just go to bed cheered me up no end!! :roll:

I am pleased to say, Scottish Power contact was first class, resulting in quicker than they planned return to normality. clapclap

Whatever everyone has planned for today, enjoy. .cheers
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