Just starting out

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Brand New
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Just starting out

Post by Brand New »

Hi everyone,

I've just booked in to do my NEBOSH General Certificate course this year. I've never worked in H&S before, but I've been looking into it and so far, I like the idea. I like how many different options there are within H&S and how you can always keep learning and keep up to date with new information.

I was just wondering if there are any tips you have for me to get a head start on the course. I've been watching a few YouTube videos on Risk Assessments (which I'm yet to practice), but is there anything in particular I could get my head around before I start the course so I go in with a bit of an idea of what I'm learning!

Thanks all!
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Re: Just starting out

Post by Alexis »

Hello Brand New and a very warm welcome to HSfB. .cheers

This site was set up 20+years ago by a brand new person just like you. His username Jack Kane, our site owner. :D

Your passion shows in your introduction and keenness to get started, which is a must for the journey you are about to embark upon. .salut

Others have asked this same question over the years and my thoughts are that you look at your own workplace with a new set of eyes, see where you think risks may be lurking in individual job tasks, but don't analyse them yet, just eyeball differently. ./cyclops

You will need to see things differently than you have ever done before, so when out anywhere, look and see what potential dangers MAY be around corners, high shelves in supermarkets, trip hazards, slippery floors, disability access, etc.etc. The list is in your everyday life and by doing this pre your NEBOSH Course, you can associate what you are being taught against what you have seen.

NEBOSH is heavy on the head when you are given a big fat file to plough through and you aren't sure which parts must be remembered and which parts are for what and how it all comes together!! Sheesh! :roll:

What I am trying to say is, don't burn your brain before you start. :lol: BTW, you will love it once it comes together. ./thumbsup..

So, here are my lists for you to have a look at, but not to learn yet. The learning comes from your provider and if stuck, we are always here to prise you off the merry-go-round. ;)

1 Go to this link which is old, but still worthwhile to print off and keep all the way throughout your study.
Read some of the comments in this thread from first timers like yourself, who are now super HSE Professionals just like Otto who wrote it for our members.

2 Familiarise yourself with our forums and our Downloads section (currently undertaking some changes). Accessed by clicking on the big logo at the top of the forums page. https://www.healthandsafetytips.co.uk/
Apologies for the big strip that won't go away to see clearly, but if you scroll right down, you will see all the links for NEBOSH and you can still click on them.

3 My biggest tip is.........You have all our amazing members at your fingertips who are more than happy to reply when you post anything you are unsure of without judgement. They have all been where you are now. .salut

Hope this helps a bit.

Don't learn until you start the course, just look and see, then apply to your course.

Look forward to joining you in your new career path. .salut
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Brand New
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Re: Just starting out

Post by Brand New »

Hi Alexis,

Thank you so much, that's really useful! I'll keep my eyes peeled as I'm out & about and in work for things that could be a hazard.

I think I'm as prepared as I can be to be very tired during the 2 week course...I've heard they provide refreshments so I'll head for the caffeine and the brain food ../.
I'll have a read through the links and forums to see if I can pick up some tips and tricks before I get started but I won't go too heavy. A little foundation of the basics will help me a lot I think and the links you've given me will do that, so thank you again.

I'm sure I'll be back with lots of questions, and looking forward to hopefully reading back on these early posts in a year or two and see how much I've soaked in!

Thank you again!
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Re: Just starting out

Post by Messy »

Alexis wrote: Sun Jan 19, 2025 2:42 pm
You will need to see things differently than you have ever done before, so when out anywhere, look and see what potential dangers MAY be around corners, high shelves in supermarkets, trip hazards, slippery floors, disability access, etc.etc. The list is in your everyday life and by doing this pre your NEBOSH Course, you can associate what you are being taught against what you have seen.

Welcome Brand New and I hope Alexis's brilliant reply doesnt put you off as there's a lot of first class advice there.

I have highlighted to above text to warn you that hazard spotting can become 'natural' at its best, but obsessive at its worst. How many times has my wife caught me out when shopping?

"What are you doing down there?" she asks as I am in a dead end bit of a haberdashery dept of a dept store

"I am just looking at this amazing lace" I lie

" No your not, you are looking at that fire exit aren't you?"

"Fancy a coffee?" I say trying (unsuccessfully) to distract her ;) :lol:

Enjoy your course ./thumbsup..
Brand New
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Re: Just starting out

Post by Brand New »

Haha! Then in a year or more, we'll give each other a knowing nod from either end of a haberdashery debt store, and at best, a thumbs up that there's a fire exit that's not blocked!

I've had a read through some of the links Alexis has put above and Googled what some letters mean inc SSW...I've got post it notes already, but I won't over do it!

Thanks all!
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Re: Just starting out

Post by WillPool »

Hi Brand New

Just a warm welcome from me :wave:

I started off in these forums at the beginning of my H&S Career and it has been a god-send, great members and knowledge ./thumbsup..

Enjoy the course when it comes around ../.

Will .salut
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Re: Just starting out

Post by witsd »

Brand New wrote: Sun Jan 19, 2025 1:34 pmI was just wondering if there are any tips you have for me to get a head start on the course. I've been watching a few YouTube videos on Risk Assessments (which I'm yet to practice), but is there anything in particular I could get my head around before I start the course so I go in with a bit of an idea of what I'm learning!
The most important tip: Always be ready to say "I don't know, but I'll find out and get back to you". Trying to BS your way through this industry will not go well (but plenty of people still try!)
We often think that when we have completed our study of one we know all about two, because 'two' is 'one and one.' We forget that we still have to make a study of 'and.'
Brand New
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Re: Just starting out

Post by Brand New »

Thank you Will and witsd!

Happy to have found this forum, looking forward to reading through and understanding things more as I get through it! I've got a book dedicated to acronyms...some light revision before the course
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Re: Just starting out

Post by witsd »

Brand New wrote: Thu Jan 23, 2025 9:05 pmI've got a book dedicated to acronyms...some light revision before the course
The only thing health and safety people like more than an acronym is Unnecessary Capitalisation...
We often think that when we have completed our study of one we know all about two, because 'two' is 'one and one.' We forget that we still have to make a study of 'and.'
Brand New
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Re: Just starting out

Post by Brand New »

I might add in unnecessary capitalisation to My new notebook so I can Be sure I'm not Going mad and it's just How people write Now!

I've written down the NEBOSH course structure as well so hopefully that will help me separate each section when I get to it!
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