IFE Come Down Hard on Irresponsible Members

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Grand Shidoshi
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IFE Come Down Hard on Irresponsible Members

Post by Messy »

The IFE appear to be cracking down by sanctioning members who, in their view, act unprofessionally or not in accordance with their published ethics

This seems to include social media posts and the alleged low level of PI insurance held

I suggest that now the IFE's actions are now grabbing the headlines, other professional bodies will do the same.

About time too. I have seen some appalling racist posts by a high ranking member of one fire safety body. I would report him, but i have no confidence action would be taken.

I am pleased that these professional bodies are waking up and enforcing standards as there's so many people hiding behind letters after their names acting very irresponsibly

https://www.insidehousing.co.uk/news/in ... hair-89589
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Grand Shidoshi
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Re: IFE Come Down Hard on Irresponsible Members

Post by witsd »

Hmm. I'm not entirely sure I agree.

Don't get me wrong, I do hope that particular person does indeed lose their job, but at the same time, I frequently post things with no professional aspect on social media, because my social media profile is completely detached from my profession. Now these things aren't particularly offensive, but I'm sure you will understand that working in this profession can leave you with quite a dark / sarcastic sense of humour.

In practice, the IFE would have no way of proving that it was me, but if somehow they could, and decided that they didn't like what they were seeing me write on my FB page when it has no relevance or link back to my work whatsoever, I'm not sure they ought to be able to take action.

Incidentally, I've not been a member for many years, because my general opinion is that all of these groups are mainly interested in lining their own profits while not really providing any great service to members or the wider public.
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