Changes to the way HSfB delivers your downloads

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HSfB Downloads - would you rather...

Download as individual files
Download one single zipped file for each category, i.e. NEBOSH Specific with approx. 60 files, Workplace Hazards with approx. 50 files etc.
Download ALL files available on HSfB in one single big zipped file
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Jack Kane
HSfB Site Grand Shidoshi
HSfB Site Grand Shidoshi
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Changes to the way HSfB delivers your downloads

Post by Jack Kane »

Hey folks :D :wave:

Following on from the recent database errors on the forums, this has triggered a complete backend review for other potential errors and faults on the main site and the forums. As a result, simplification of the site is necessary.

It would be much appreciated if you could answer the poll on how you would like downloads presented on the site.

Much thanks :D .salut

RoSPA Awards Ambassador and Mentor #RoSPAAwards #HSfB #Proud

There is no such thing as a "stupid" or "daft" health and safety question!
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