Random Use of a Mains Tester Screwdriver

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Random Use of a Mains Tester Screwdriver

Post by Messy »

I am helping my son do up a flat he has just purchased. Its a total refit including the electrics which are not in the greatest of health. I am no longer a professional electrician, but once held a qualification.

Today I needed to remove a 50 year old storage radiator from a flat my son has just bought and is doing up. I isolated the spur at the consumer unit

I then randomly grabbed the nearest screwdriver, which thankfully was a mains tester type (with a neon light in the handle to test for live electrics) to remove a switch cover to investigate how it was wired. As I touched the screw, the bulb illuminated - something I hadn't seen before.

After checking with a second mains tester (as I couldn't believe my eyes), I switched off the power to the entire flat at the consumer unit and will leave it for the proper sparky to sort out as I have no idea why the circuit breaker didnt go :shock:

I wouldn't normally use a mains tester screwdriver to remove a switch cover, but I am pleased I did :roll:

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Re: Random Use of a Mains Tester Screwdriver

Post by WillPool »

Messy wrote: Mon Aug 12, 2024 5:50 pm I am helping my son do up a flat he has just purchased. Its a total refit including the electrics which are not in the greatest of health. I am no longer a professional electrician, but once held a qualification.

Today I needed to remove a 50 year old storage radiator from a flat my son has just bought and is doing up. I isolated the spur at the consumer unit

I then randomly grabbed the nearest screwdriver, which thankfully was a mains tester type (with a neon light in the handle to test for live electrics) to remove a switch cover to investigate how it was wired. As I touched the screw, the bulb illuminated - something I hadn't seen before.

After checking with a second mains tester (as I couldn't believe my eyes), I switched off the power to the entire flat at the consumer unit and will leave it for the proper sparky to sort out as I have no idea why the circuit breaker didnt go :shock:

I wouldn't normally use a mains tester screwdriver to remove a switch cover, but I am pleased I did :roll:

Wow, looks like someone was watching out for you :shock:

Glad that happened and you didn't use a regular screwdriver :shock:

Will .salut
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Re: Random Use of a Mains Tester Screwdriver

Post by Alexis »

Ohhhhhhhh! Glad you were alright! :shock:

Emphasis why the right Professional for the right job. .pale
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Re: Random Use of a Mains Tester Screwdriver

Post by Messy »

Alexis wrote: Tue Aug 13, 2024 10:37 am
Emphasis why the right Professional for the right job. .pale
I think it's more needing the right tool for the job

(and it appears, I was the wrong tool :roll: )

No harm done. I removed a a second storage radiator today - checking with the mains tester first of course

I cant believe how heavy they are. This one was 140 kgs :shock:
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Re: Random Use of a Mains Tester Screwdriver

Post by witsd »

Messy wrote: Tue Aug 13, 2024 4:49 pmI cant believe how heavy they are. This one was 140 kgs :shock:
Bend at the knees! :D
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Re: Random Use of a Mains Tester Screwdriver

Post by Alexis »

"A candle loses none of its light by lighting another candle."


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