Lone Working Tenants

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Lone Working Tenants

Post by M1lktrayman »

Where a commercial tenant arranges lone working within a common (shared) access area of a building with multiple tenants, ie tenants rent offices but conduct work at height within a shared access Hangar Bay. Can the landlord, who is responsible for the shared access areas, be held responsible for that activity from a training and management perspective?

I understand we would be responsible for the building and infrastructure, but would we be exposed from an equipment/process perspective if said equipment is owned and managed by the Tenant organisation? As a commercial landlord, would we be expected to audit and check the Tenant processes and paperwork if they have their own H&S team?
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Re: Lone Working Tenants

Post by WillPool »

A lot may depend on what is written in the contract, there will also be insurance liabilities and the Health & Safety piece.

If they are working 'unsafely' then I would say you have a duty of care to let their H&S team know of your concerns. If they are not working unsafely and they meet the conditions of the contract, I am not sure what you can do.

Maybe others will have a different say on this.

Will .salut
It is better to be careful 100 times than to get killed once.
Mark Twain (1835 - 1910)
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