Commercial Tenants and shared areas

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Commercial Tenants and shared areas

Post by M1lktrayman »

Hi All,

I am working for an organisation that has commercial tenants renting office spaces and storage within Aviation Hangars.
Each organisation has it's own working practices and staff independent to themselves, including H&S.

Some tenants conduct detailing, servicing or light maintenance on aircraft within the hangar bays - this the reason for their occupancy
The Hangar Bays are accessible by all and are seen as communal (shared) areas, therefore coming under the landlords remit.
Tenant activity is currently managed by exception within these hangar bays through observing operating practices

The specific question from me is, is this enough?
I understand our responsibilities to provide safe well maintained buildings, facilities and services.
This question is specific to Tenants operational activities within Hangar Bays

Are we legally liable for tenant activity within the bays and if so, to what extent?
Can we assume that the tenant has RA and Procedures in place to comply with H&S Regulations or should we be requesting evidence?
In the event of an accident which would be logged to our premises, would we be exposed to any potential HSE action based upon tenants working practices and use of their own equipment?

Further information is that Tenant activity focus is on aircraft detailing with COSHH and working at height as primary hazards. Each tenant have their own ladders, steps and MEWPS which they store at the rear of hangar bays.

We provide waste streams and facilitate the placement of COSHH Cabinets and Compressed Gas cages and have implemented a set of Hangar Rules covering access and housekeeping etc.

What level of responsibility would we have for the different organisations to have adequate RA's, conduct periodic inspections and ensure their staff are trained?

We currently manage this by exception via walkarounds and interact if we see what we feel are unsafe acts. Don't want to take responsibility for auditing/inspecting their processes, but conscious that if any event were to happen, it would be against our address.

Current Tenancy agreement simply references the tenant complying with all current legal and regulatory guidence.

Thanks for your guidance

Last edited by M1lktrayman on Mon Jul 29, 2024 11:02 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Commercial Tenants and shared areas

Post by Alexis »

Hello Milktrayman. Welcome to HSfB. :wave: Excellent Username. :lol:

We have members who have experience in situations where tenants are involved and I am sure, when they have a moment, they will offer their views on your query. :D

Interesting question.

Good to have you join us. .salut
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