Window extend for airflow??

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Window extend for airflow??

Post by Cityzen »

Hi, Newbie here.

I have a room that was converted from storage space (files) to office space during Covid, it’s quite large but there’s there is a bit of an airflow issue with windows only on one side of the room. I am aware there are multiple issues / moving parts but my main question that I want to ask is – Can I change the window hinge extension from a 6 inch extend to say even 8 inches to improve airflow a bit while still being compliant with UK regulations?? The room is on the second floor, probably a 30 odd foot drop if you were to unlucky enough to go through it. This is public sector, so, factor in extra bureaucracy.

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Re: Window extend for airflow??

Post by Waterbaby »

Bump ./thumbsup..

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Re: Window extend for airflow??

Post by WillPool »


In the absence of any other posts, I will give you my take on this but as a caveat, this is not 100% a safety issue, so my response may be a little hazy.

For me if you are altering a window on an outside wall would it make any changes to the structural integrity of said wall? I would also check with your local authority to see if you would require planning permission for any changes.

Hope that helps (even if it is a little) .scratch

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Re: Window extend for airflow??

Post by Cityzen »

Thanks. No issues with wall integrity, in my own mind I think it's a straight swop out of the hinge plates for slightly longer ones, it can be done but should it be done is perhaps the question!
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Re: Window extend for airflow??

Post by grim72 »

I'm fairly sure (though it is not an area of expertise) that the Building Regs specify no more than a 100mm opening? In theory (but again you would need to check in the regs) you could fit a retractable security grill that might allow you to open the window wider if the grill is in place to stop people accessing it once opened (would also boost security against break-ins when the window is closed)?
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