HSfB & Croner-i Partnership - Exclusive Access and Discount

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Jack Kane
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HSfB & Croner-i Partnership - Exclusive Access and Discount

Post by Jack Kane »

Over the past 20 years (anniversary coming up, we officially started on Wed Mar 17, 2004 12:13 am!), HSfB has stood out for so many reasons, one of which is the amazing friendly community you have built here on the Forums and in our Facebook group. It's a very special thing to behold.

:heart: bighug

More about that in March, I'll cut to the chase for now... :D

Fortunately and coincidently enough in our 20th year, we have joined in partnership with Croner-i to be able to offer you exclusive access to the Croner-i Navigate Safety Lite service, and in true HSfB fashion, it's FREE!

What that means is that you get access to the mighty Croner-i, a hugely reputable company sharing some of their brand new H&S information, templates, toolkits, trusted and fresh content, for FREE.

It's not a time-bound trial, it doesn't give you just half a paragraph then ask you for money, instead it's an incredibly useful high value service in its own right to have on hand day-to-day.

Of course, it is the Lite service and of course there is the full Navigate Safety platform opening up access to everything. Give it a try, book a demo of the full version and see what you think.

Discount for HSfB - if you do decide to go for the full Navigate Safety, use the exclusive link and you will have a nice juicy 20% discount! That's a big discount!

In fact, you don't even need the link, just let the friendly folks at Croner-i know you heard about Navigate Safety-Lite on HSfB and the 20% discount is yours!

Not only that, we now have the privilege of having one of the Croner-i advisers joining our community, Mercy Adeniji. Go say hello and if you have any questions about Navigate Safety-Lite, give Mercy a shout :D - viewtopic.php?t=52840

¦<><><>A wee extra bit<><><>¦

So, for those of you who know me, I started HSfB 20 years ago giving everything away free (paid advertising, well that wasn't free :lol: ). That's never going to change. The only thing different here is that because I've used the Navigate Safety-Lite in my day job and ended up upgrading to the full version, I'm more than happy to say I'm glad we went for the full version and I would encourage you to give it a look see.

I do want to be completely open about things though, if you do go for the full Navigate Safety service then HSfB will receive a small referral payment. I almost feel guilty, but what Mercy and Croner-i bring to HSfB is something I can't deny will help us all save lives and prevent ill-health just by going to work.

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Re: HSfB & Croner-i Partnership - Exclusive Access and Discount

Post by WillPool »

Great Job Jack ./thumbsup..

Will .salut
It is better to be careful 100 times than to get killed once.
Mark Twain (1835 - 1910)
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Access Croner-i Navigate Safety-Lite here for free

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