Can anyone point me in the right direction in regards to the following:-
The company I work for are going for ISO 45001, we currently have a database to log any internal audits and the actions that arise from that with appropriate timescales for close of that action. And for accident investigations we have a section on the form for preventative measure for actions to be addressed to mitigate future happening such as TBT's, training and ladder replacement etc.
Would this satisfy the criteria of ISO 45001 as how we conform to "Nonconformity & Corrective Action" or would I need to duplicate all of that onto templates which I have (Noneconformity & Corrective Action Log / and action Report) could I just use these for management system audits for both internal or external ? can anybody point me in the right direction so I do not overburden myself with duplication and a top heavy system of documentation.

Any advise would be greatly appreciated.