Professional Vandal at Work

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Professional Vandal at Work

Post by Messy »

We've just got my mum in law into the most beautiful care home.

As she was settling in, we noticed a loud double BANG as the door opened. Upon examination, the folding arm from the free swing door closing device was snagging on the top of the door.

Stand back everyone, I am a fire safety expert. However as I perched on a chair forcefully 'adjusted' the arm, snap - it came off in my hand .scratch

"Yep, that's what it was" I announced "The arm is broken"

I think I got away with it 🤔🙄 .scratch
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Re: Professional Vandal at Work

Post by WillPool »

:D :D :D

Not quite the same but as a newly appointed HSE Manager, my first introduction to the team was at a company briefing in a hotel 'conference room'.

As I entered I was looking around for a face that I knew. didnt see the steps and went head over feet down the stairs. No injury, only pride was hurt.

PM, then went on to give a 'Safety Moment' on slips, trips and falls.

Oh how they laughed :lol: :lol:
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Re: Professional Vandal at Work

Post by Waterbaby »


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Re: Professional Vandal at Work

Post by Alexis »

I love these! clapclap [smilie=smiley-faces11.gif]
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Re: Professional Vandal at Work

Post by Penfold »

The person I owe most to in my career, who trained me through various courses and then became a good friend did a classic on first day on NEBOSH Gen Cert in late 1990's.

Was setting up the course and remembered he had left some books in his car, we all sat there nervously when he stumbled back in a few minutes later with blood pouring from his scalp, the boot had blown down onto his balding head and cut him quite badly. After a bit of first aid he was fine to carry on- the video he played us- the dangers of items falling from scaffolding onto someone's head.

We always laughed about it for years afterwards- thanks John for the memories and miss you lots.
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