
This is just a select few articles you may be interested in.

2020-08-10 20:30   This article quite simply aims to share some of my own auditing experiences as an health and safety professional who is fortunate enough to visit and audit some amazing and interesting organisations. I've found that regardless of the industry, the basics of any positive health and safety cu...
2020-08-10 20:03   I know there must be people out there who are naturally gifted at presenting to an audience, people who ooze confidence and effortlessly show their subject matter expertise; but, I for one get nervous before each and every presentation I give and I'm not as naturally gifted as others.   I...
2020-08-10 20:02   Prior to the Interview   1. They want to see you You have been contacted for interview because there was something in your (truthful) CV pertaining to the position on offer. Know your own CV and take a copy along with you to follow the interviewer when they refer to different areas within.  ...
2020-08-10 19:59 "Go out there and catch somebody doing something right, then say thank you!"       Regardless of where an organisation's health and safety culture sits in space and time, whether it is a mature and positive culture, or one being dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st century, nobody can...
2020-08-10 19:57   You may or may not have heard about the Learning Occupational Health by Experiencing Risks (LOcHER) Project which was originally a concept from Dr Bob Rajan, vice Chair of Safety Groups UK (SGUK) and HM Principal Inspector of Health and Safety with the HSE. It has historically been focused with...
2020-08-10 19:54     My current job as a Health, Safety and Radiation Advisor has given me some amazing and interesting opportunities to learn and share best practice, both internally in our heavy engineering manufacturing facilities and by visiting hundreds of our suppliers. I want to share my experiences becau...
2020-08-10 19:53   The free to enter prize draws were run from 2006 through to 2012 and were a 'leg up' from HSfB and our fantastic prize draw contributors to anyone wishing either to enter, or further their career in the field of health and safety.   My personal motives, and the motives of HSfB as a wh...
2020-08-10 19:51   Ever wondered how Health and Safety for Beginners started?  If you have, here's the story from our founder John Johnston (i.e. me)...   Accidents Don't Need to Happen After suffering a back injury at work in 2002, my life changed in an instant and would never be the same.   The acc...
2020-08-10 19:50 HSfB Wins Lord Cullen Trophy for Safety Innovation  John Johnston, Health, Safety and Radiation Advisor at FMC Technologies, Dunfermline, Chairperson of the RoSPA Awards Excellence Forum in Scotland (previously the Scottish Higher Performers Forum) and a member of the Safety Group Fife, has had hi...
2020-08-10 19:38 Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974. (Elizabeth II 1974. Chapter 37) This document is published with the consent of the Office of Public Sector Information and remains Crown Copyright.   This page gives up to Section 9 only. The printable and PDF versions below show the full Act.  Printable ...
2020-08-08 20:32     Over my career I have seen many a debate on the common belief that fork lift trucks (FLTs) and mobile elevated work platforms (MEWPs) can travel between premises without being taxed, insured, registered, fitted with lights, number plates, reflectors etc.   Some say FLTs can load / unload veh...